
RaymanOriginsisaside-scrollingplatformer,thesamestyleastheoriginalRaymangame.RaymanOriginsisplayablewithuptofourlocalplayerswhomaydrop ...,進入《RaymanOrigins》,探索或重溫這款曾俘獲無數玩家之心的遊戲,體驗神奇的遊戲宇宙以及傳奇的2D遊戲體驗…,AVastPlayground:RaymanOriginsincludesover60levelsof2Dplatforminggameplaydesignedforallagesandplayingstyles.Unlocknewabilities ...,Experiencethemagicaluniv...

Rayman Origins

Rayman Origins is a side-scrolling platformer, the same style as the original Rayman game. Rayman Origins is playable with up to four local players who may drop ...

《Rayman Origins》

進入《Rayman Origins》,探索或重溫這款曾俘獲無數玩家之心的遊戲,體驗神奇的遊戲宇宙以及傳奇的2D 遊戲體驗…

Save 70% on Rayman® Origins on Steam

A Vast Playground: Rayman Origins includes over 60 levels of 2D platforming gameplay designed for all ages and playing styles. Unlock new abilities ...

Rayman® Origins

Experience the magical universe of Rayman with legendary 2D gameplay that has captured the hearts of millions of fans!

Rayman Origins

內含於Ubisoft+.比較雷射超人:起源各版本。獨家推出PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S.


Rayman, Rayman Origins, the character of Rayman, Ubisoft, Ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other ...

購買Rayman® Origins

Michel Ancel, celebrated creator of Rayman®, Beyond Good & Evil® and the Raving Rabbids® returns to his roots to bring us Rayman® Origins: a new 4-player ...